1. Quality conversion tracking

Get that CRM data into the platform! Not only will Google have more data points to use, but these will be of higher quality.

2. Consolidation

You don’t need 20 campaigns and thousands of keywords *usually * . Try simplifying the account. All the keywords are broad anyway.

3. Exclusions

I almost feel that currently the exclusions are more important than inclusions. Be on top of keywords at all times.
Also negative keyword lists. Cross-exclusions. Especially brand and competitor terms.

4. Fast and relevant landing pages

This is obvious. The faster and more relevant the landing page the better the conversion rate and quality score in Google ads.

5. Leveraging smart bidding

If you get enough conversion volume. just do it. Use max conversions (with or without CPA). You can pretend that you can outsmart the algorithm by doing it manually. But lets be real…

6. Chill with the amount of RSAs per ad group

In some cases you might even want to limit the amount of headlines you use. Think about it, you have 15 headlines and 4 descriptions – Google can make a lot of variations. But if you get 20 clicks per month from that ad, Google will never learn which combo works best.

7. Google doesn't like pinning, but we do. 5/5/5 method

Headline 1-5 :Keyword related + keyword insertion
Headline 6-10: USP, Use Cases
Headline 11-15: CTA, Social proof

8. Don't forget device adjustments

Check your conversion rates and CPAs on device level. Usually we see 50-90% adjustments for mobile and tablet devices. They work also with smart bidding.

9. Bid on brand or not to bid on brand?

This could be a post in its own.
Check auction insights in each market and determine based on that.

10. ALWAYS report on brand vs non-brand

Brand keyword results are not because of google ads! Something else has happened and that is why users are looking for your brand. Judging google ads performance including brand is just wrong

11. Bonus. Location targeting

Especially when we don’t have enough data we tend to put all EMEA together. Be critical, does Spain, Italy or Finland really perform for you? I’ve seen this many times – you kind of don’t notice those countries, but over a year that cost stacks up